Ko te ahua motuhake o te ahua NdfeB aukume rarawe

  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale
  • Special-shaped NdfeB magnet wholesale

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua


1. OEM Manufacturing pōwhiri: Hua, Mōkī.

2. Tauira tauira / raupapa whakamatautau.

3. Ka whakautu matou ki a koe mo to patai i roto i nga haora 24.

4. Ko te Neodymium Permanent Magnet kua whakaritea, ko te karaehe ka taea e matou te whakaputa ko N35-N52(M,H,SH,UH,EH,AH), mo te tohu me te ahua o te Magnet, ki te hiahia koe, ka taea e matou te tuku atu ki a koe te pukapuka. .Mena kei te hiahia tautoko hangarau koe mo te Huinga Aukume Tuturu me Neodymium Permanent Magnet Assemblies, ka taea e matou te tautoko nui ki a koe.

5. i muri i te tuku, ka aroturuki matou i nga hua mo koe i nga ra e rua, kia tae ra ano ki a koe nga hua.Ka whiwhi koe i nga taonga, whakamatauria, ka tuku mai he urupare.Mena kei a koe etahi patai mo te raru, whakapaa mai ki a maatau, ka tukuna e matou te huarahi whakaoti mo koe.

Special-shaped NdfeB magnet(图1)Special-shaped NdfeB magnet(图2)

  • Tōmua:
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  • Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou